How LIGHT and COLD is it exactly?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Smile Iceland, Please?

Stefan says to me yesterday when we are out and about, "Mom, how come whenever I smile at people here, they never smile back?" Ouch. What do I say? I can think of several answers, none appropriate for a 4 1/2 year old. I'll take your suggestions via comments!


Patty Machelor said...

"It's too cold to smile."
"Their lips are frozen in a straight line."
Seriously, why don't you tell him that people in some cultures don't smile as much as people in other cultures? Heck, I interviewed a Sudanese guy the other day and he would not STOP smiling, even when he was talking about how he didn't know what had happened to his brothers and sisters during the war.
And why the heck is your husband such a grinning fool, now that I think about it?

Unknown said...

Diana did, however, give her son the best response she could think of: Stefan, why don't you ask your dad about that one....