How LIGHT and COLD is it exactly?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What the........?

What the........?
Originally uploaded by Diana Wilson
He's wondering what the heck he's looking at, that's for sure. It's Arni's favorite meal, sheep's head, boiled with love by his mama at the farm last weekend. But, he sure ate it up - the meat, that is. He left the eyeball for his Pabbi. How sweet of him.


Anonymous said...

eeww...probably not gonna lure visitors with that flick. how about the 'after' shots? =) Lara

Ko-Leen said...

I can not even look at those things in the store, never mind touch or eat one - your poor poor children.
But, I understand, Stefáns play school got him to eat shark because it is tradition.
But he did spend the afternoon puking that tradition back up.

Patty Machelor said...

How exactly does one "make" sheep's head? Certain Icelandic spices, perhaps? I'd love to see the recipe. "Then, take the head and pour more pepper into the eyeballs." :-)