How LIGHT and COLD is it exactly?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Best Country Ever.....Alrighty Then

Trust me, you don't get something for nothing. There's a price to be paid for living in "paradise". It's called COLD, DARK, WINDY and DIFFICULT TO GET TO KNOW.

Click here to HEAR the story on NPR from this morning

or READ this related story from a travel writer on

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Best place to live in the world?

Iceland, so says this year's report from the United Nations Human Development Index. Read more here:

The report on from today

I'm certain WEATHER is not on their list of things to evaluate!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving in Iceland

It's Saturday after Thanksgiving, but we celebrated today and it was lovely. We had one other American join us (who also happens to be half Icelandic) . Enjoy the show!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What the........?

What the........?
Originally uploaded by Diana Wilson
He's wondering what the heck he's looking at, that's for sure. It's Arni's favorite meal, sheep's head, boiled with love by his mama at the farm last weekend. But, he sure ate it up - the meat, that is. He left the eyeball for his Pabbi. How sweet of him.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Only the Beginning...

Thank you, my love, for the past 10 years. Can you still remember the scene? Me picking you up for our first official date, after a month or two of casual gatherings; a lingering dinner at our fav place, Zemam's, and endless talk. I think we both knew that night a connection was made. We had our reasons to be cautious, both of us, but there was no denying that something was there. We've made it through all the usual ups and downs and oh, that year of separation while you were in Brooklyn! That was easy, though, in comparison to this HUGE life transition we've made, coming to Iceland to rediscover your roots and expose the boys and me to them as well. I'm trying, one day at a time, to make it a good experience for all of us.

Thank you for being the incredibly patient, loving, intelligent, helpful, sweet man that you are. Thank you for being such an amazing father to our boys, and to Brynja. I'm so grateful that you are in my life.

So, you won't be working late tonight as planned. I'll be picking you up a bit before five. Your brother is watching the kids for a couple hours, and we'll have a little time to mark this special day.

This is just the beginning of the rest of our life adventure together! I love you, now and forever.